The Star

Words describing The Star: Hope, inspiration, guidance, intuition, healing, spirituality, renewal, renewal, calmness, peace, balance, optimism, renewal, dreams, trust.

How to interpret The Star in tarot


Two of Wands

Two of Wands (upright)


Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles (reversed)


The Star

The Star (reversed)

The Star

Basic Meaning of The Star (Rider-Waite)

The Star is the seventeenth card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot and symbolizes hope, inspiration and spiritual guidance. The card’s image shows a woman pouring water from two vessels, one into a river and one onto land, with a large star shining over her. It represents that there is a universal and loving energy that guides our lives and that we can find comfort and hope in this power.

Upright Meaning

When The Star appears upright in a Tarot reading it signifies a time of hope, inspiration and renewed faith in yourself and your place in the world. The card encourages you to follow your intuition, to believe in your dreams and to be open to spiritual guidance. It is a time to seek inner peace and to work towards achieving your highest goals and ideals.

Reversed Meaning

If The Star is reversed in a reading it can signify difficulty in feeling hope and inspiration, or that you have lost faith in yourself and your dreams. It can also mean that you are ignoring your inner voice and spiritual guidance. The card encourages you to regain your faith, to listen to your intuition and to be open to the possibilities and insights that the universe offers.

Example Interpretation

If The Star appears in a reading alongside Two of Cups and Nine of Pentagrams it could be interpreted as that by following your intuition and believing in yourself (The Star) you will experience a deep and meaningful connection with someone (Two of Cups) and that this relationship will lead to material success, independence and wellbeing (Nine of Pentagrams). It is important to trust your inner guidance and to be open to love and support from others.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Star is a powerful archetypal symbol that represents hope, faith, and inspiration. It is often associated with the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, and the Egyptian goddess of fertility, Isis. The star in the card also represents the North Star, a guiding light that leads us towards our destiny and helps us find our way in life.

As an archetype, The Star is a reminder of our innate ability to connect with something greater than ourselves. It symbolizes a deep sense of inner knowing and intuition, and encourages us to trust in the universe and have faith in the journey we are on.

Behavioral Patterns

The Star card often indicates a period of spiritual awakening or self-discovery. It suggests that the individual is going through a time of deep reflection and introspection, and may be seeking a sense of purpose and meaning in their life.

People who resonate with The Star may also possess a strong sense of hope and optimism, even in the face of adversity. They may have a natural ability to see the silver lining in any situation and inspire others with their positive outlook.

Integration and Shadow Work

Working with the energies of The Star card can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. Its message of hope and faith can help individuals overcome self-doubt and fear, and embrace their true potential.

However, the shadow aspect of The Star may manifest as a tendency to rely too heavily on external validation and lose touch with one’s own inner compass. It is important for individuals to balance their faith in the universe with a sense of personal responsibility and agency.

In order to integrate the energies of The Star, individuals may benefit from practices such as meditation, journaling, and connecting with nature. These activities can help them tap into their inner wisdom and cultivate a sense of trust and faith in themselves and the universe.

More Tarot Cards In "Major Arcana"