
Words describing Judgment: Rebirth, awakening, redemption, judgement, forgiveness, renewal, transformation, realization, reflection, spiritual, resurrection, atonement, awakening, epiphany, absolution.

How to interpret Judgment in tarot



Judgment (reversed)


Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles (reversed)


Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords (upright)


The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

Judgment is the twentieth card in the Tarot’s Major Arcana and symbolizes awakening, renewal and a feeling of calling. The card’s image shows an angel blowing a trumpet, and people rising from their graves. It represents that when we confront and accept our inner truth and forgive ourselves and others, we can experience a feeling of spiritual awakening and renewal.

Upright Meaning

When Judgment appears upright in a Tarot reading it means that it is a time of awakening, personal growth and following your inner calling. The card urges you to be honest with yourself about your actions, feelings and desires, and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation where needed. It is a time to embrace change and to work towards achieving your highest goals and ideals.

Reversed Meaning

If Judgment is reversed in a reading it can indicate that you are having difficulty confronting and accepting your inner truth or that you are avoiding taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. It can also mean that you feel uncertain of your calling or that you are not listening to your inner promptings. The card urges you to be honest with yourself, to seek forgiveness and reconciliation, and to be open to your inner guidance and calling.

Example of an Interpretation

If Judgment appears in a reading along with Eight of Cups and Three of Swords it could be interpreted as that by confronting and accepting your inner truth and seeking forgiveness (Judgment) you will be able to leave behind old patterns, feelings and situations that no longer serve you (Eight of Cups). This process may involve going through a period of grief and heartache (Three of Swords) in order to heal and renew, but it will lead to a deeper feeling of awakening and personal growth in the long run.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The tarot card Judgment is a powerful archetype that represents a moment of awakening, transformation, and rebirth. It is often associated with the concept of judgment day, where all actions and decisions are evaluated and the consequences revealed. This card also represents a call to action, a time to reflect on one’s past choices and to make necessary changes in order to move forward towards a higher state of being.

Behavioral Patterns

When the Judgment card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the individual is going through a period of self-reflection and evaluation. They may be questioning their past decisions and actions, and may feel a sense of guilt or regret. This card can also represent a need for forgiveness, either towards oneself or towards others. The individual may be experiencing a sense of awakening or realization, and may feel compelled to make changes in their life in order to align with their true purpose.

Integration and Shadow Work

Psychologically, the Judgment card can be seen as a call to integrate and work with one’s shadow self. This is the part of the psyche that holds repressed or hidden aspects of our personality and often manifests as negative behaviors or patterns. Through introspection and self-evaluation, the individual can identify and acknowledge these shadow aspects and begin the process of integrating them into their conscious self. This can lead to a sense of wholeness and alignment with one’s true self.

More Tarot Cards In "Major Arcana"