
Words describing Justice: Balance, fairness, truth, consequence, judgment, karma, objectivity, decision, responsibility, cause and effect.

How to interpret Justice in tarot



Justice (reversed)


Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups (reversed)


The Devil

The Devil (upright)


The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

Justice is the eleventh card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot and symbolizes justice, balance, and objectivity. The card’s image shows a woman sitting on a throne, dressed in red and green clothes, holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other, which represents the duality of justice and the need to weigh actions and consequences carefully.

Upright Meaning

When Justice appears upright in a Tarot reading it means it is important to focus on justice, balance, and truth. The card urges you to be honest, take responsibility for your actions, and make decisions based on objectivity and insight. It can also be a sign that a legal issue or conflict will be resolved fairly.

Reversed Meaning

If Justice is reversed in a reading it may indicate that you are experiencing an imbalance or injustice in your life. It could mean that you need to make a correction or that you may have acted unethically or unjustly. The card urges you to reflect on your actions and their consequences as well as strive to restore balance and justice.

Example Reading

If Justice appears in a reading alongside The Empress and Two of Cups it could be interpreted as a fair and balanced approach to a relationship (Two of Cups) will lead to harmony, love, and personal growth (The Empress). It is important to treat each other with respect and maintain a sense of justice for the relationship to flourish.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The tarot card Justice is a powerful archetype that represents balance, fairness, and truth. It is associated with the symbol of the scales, which represent the weighing of actions and decisions. This card also represents the concept of cause and effect, emphasizing the idea that every action has consequences.

Behavioral Patterns

When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate a need for fairness and objectivity in a situation. It suggests that the individual should consider all sides and perspectives before making a decision. This card may also indicate a desire for justice and a need to stand up for what is right.

Integration and Shadow Work

Psychologically, working with the energies of the Justice card involves finding balance and fairness within oneself. This may require acknowledging and addressing any biases or prejudices that may be present. It also involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and accepting the consequences that come with them.

In shadow work, the Justice card may bring to light any inner conflicts or internal struggles that may be causing imbalance in one’s life. It may also represent the need to confront and address any past actions or patterns that may be causing harm to oneself or others.

Integrating the energies of this card involves finding a healthy balance between logic and emotion, and using both in decision-making processes. It also involves striving for fairness and equality in all aspects of life.

More Tarot Cards In "Major Arcana"