The Lovers

Words describing The Lovers: Love, harmony, relationships, choices, duality, union, attraction, balance, connection, decision, partnership, soulmates.

How to interpret The Lovers in tarot


Five of Swords

Five of Swords (upright)


Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups (reversed)


The Lovers

The Lovers (reversed)

The Lovers

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

The Lovers tarot card represents relationships, harmony, and the power of choice. It signifies the deep emotional connection and bond that can form between two individuals, as well as the importance of making decisions based on values and personal beliefs.

Upright Meaning

When The Lovers appears in a reading in the upright position, it signifies a strong emotional connection, love, or partnership. This card represents the beauty of harmony and the importance of making choices that align with your values and beliefs. It is an encouragement to trust your intuition and follow your heart in matters of love and relationships.

Reversed Meaning

When The Lovers appears in a reading in the reversed position, it may indicate disharmony, imbalance, or a disconnect in a relationship. This card suggests that you might be struggling with making decisions or facing challenges in your relationships. It can also signify a possible conflict between your head and heart, leading to confusion and indecision.

Example Interpretation

If The Lovers appears in a relationship reading alongside cards such as The Two of Cups and The Ten of Cups, it could mean that you have the potential to create a deeply fulfilling and harmonious partnership. This combination of cards indicates that emotional balance, mutual respect, and shared values will lead to happiness and long-term commitment. By trusting your intuition and making choices that align with your values, you can forge a strong bond with your partner and experience the beauty of true love.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Lovers is a powerful archetype that represents the union of opposites, often depicted as a man and woman standing under a winged angel or cherub. This card symbolizes love, harmony, and choice. It represents the integration of masculine and feminine energies, as well as the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Behavioral Patterns

When The Lovers appear in a reading, it suggests a desire for connection, both romantic and spiritual. It can also indicate a need for decision-making and weighing options. This card can represent a harmonious relationship or a decision between two paths or choices. It may also suggest a need for balance and integration in one’s life.

Integration and Shadow Work

Working with The Lovers card can involve exploring inner conflicts and finding balance within opposing energies. This can involve acknowledging and integrating both the masculine and feminine aspects of the self. It can also involve examining relationships and making choices that align with one’s values and needs. Shadow work with The Lovers may involve exploring fears of commitment or intimacy, as well as examining any patterns of codependency or unhealthy dynamics in relationships.

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